In April 1973 Olav Terje Bergo and I were invited to present the results of the "Iron and Metal Project" at the Institute of Psychology at Aarhus University, Denmark. A young student followed what I said very carefully. Afterwards he came up to me and said that we had come to the wrong institute. Among the students studying informatics very many of the most active students would regard our findings as extremely relevant to their studies. The student, Morten Kyng, then took control, brought me in close cooperation with a large group of very bright and competent students i Aarhus and in Copenhagen, I became adjoint lecturer and for a year full time guest professor in Aarhus, and my contacts with Aarhus and other Danish universities are still very close. This cooperation initiated my building up of a curriculum in System Development in Aarhus and Oslo, in cooperation between trade unions and researchers also in Denmark, and it triggered off the BETA language project..
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