If you need a photo of Kristen Nygaard, click on one of the thumbnails below to go to a higher resolution version, or (if known) information about how to contact the rights holder to obtain a higher resulation version and clear rights.

832 × 934 px.
3470 × 2273 px.
120 × 75px.
455 × 268 px.
3439 × 2323 px.
780 × 1255 px.
880 × 700 px.
75 × 120 px.

If you are the author or rights holder of any of the uncredited works listed here, and wish to grant a license that allows reuse of the work with the appropriate attribution, or want the work removed from the gallery, please contact me.

If you know more about the source, authorship or copyright status of these works than the information provided on the page below each photograph, please contact me.

If you have other photographs suitable for inclusion in this gallery, or higher resolution versions of those already present, please contact me.

Notice about copyright:
Below the higher resolution version of each photo, we provide all information about authorship, source, and rights that we have. For some works, we have arranged with the author the right to reuse the work under a Creative Commons Attribution license. This means that you must credit the photographer in a byline when you use the work. For works without a CC license, you must contact the photographer or rights holder to obtain permission to reuse the photo. For the works where the author is unknown or unreachable, we've not been able to secure a license for reuse of the work. For some works, the rights are listed as “Rights to reuse/reprint is implied”. This means that the nature of the source makes us believe that the work can be freely shared and reprinted. However, this is only an opinion offered in good faith. If you choose to use such a work without permission from the author, you do so at your own risk.