We are very sad to inform you that Kristen Nygaard passed away on August 9th 2002.
A memorial site is at: http://kristennygaard.no/in_memoriam_kristen/

I have divided this web site into three worlds: RESEARCH, POLITICS and the PRIVATE world.They are reached through the links on the top of this column. (They are carefully color coded: GREEN icons= RESEARCH, RED icons = POLITICS, and GOLDEN icons= PRIVATE.)

Most of those sharing my RESEARCH interests will not be interested in my POLITICAL world and vice versa. (Those sharing my POLITICAL interests may of course not at all share my views!) The PRIVATE world is mainly for friends and family, both groups being quite large, I am happy to say.

Jeg har delt sidene opp i tre verdener: FORSKNING, POLITIKK og en PRIVAT verden. De kan nås gjennom lenkene øverst i denne spalten. (De er, ikke helt tilfeldig, fargekodet slik: GRØNNE ikoner = FORSKNING, RØDE ikoner = POLITIKK, GYLDNE ikoner = PRIVAT.)

De fleste som deler mine interesser i FORSKNING kan være uinteressert i mine interesser i POLITIKK, og omvendt. (Og de som er interessert i POLITIKK kan selvsagt være sterkt uenige i synspunktene som kommer fram her.) Den PRIVATE lenken er mest for venner og familie, begge grupper er heldigvis store.


Oppdatering/ Updating 02-02-16

I am doing research in Informatics (Computer Science) and have together with Ole-Johan Dahl invented OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING. I have also done research on
SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT processes and on

I have been active in politics and was the national leader of the successful CAMPAIGN AGAINST NORWEGIAN MEMBERSHIP IN THE EU.

These pages tell you what I am working on, professionally and politically, and what I have done in the past.

You may also read about courses and lectures I am giving, as well as my CV, and about the Turing Prize and John von Neumann Medal that
Ole-Johan and I recently have received.

Each of the three worlds: RESEARCH; POLITICS; PRIVATE has a MAIN PAGE. Each MAIN PAGE will present a list of main "activities" (threads) of research. Some activities were rather short-lived, other have been continuing through most of my work since the beginning of the 1960s. Each activity will be represented by one or more pages.

Events in one activity may trigger off another (in research or in politics), and activities may interact also in many other ways, e.g. by competing for time resources. They may of course also usefully be presented as containing subactivities.

Kristen Nygaard
Professor (emer), University of Oslo

Consultant, Norwegian Computing Center

and Simula Research Laboratory

Jeg er forsker i informasjonsteknologi (IT) og har sammen med Ole-Johan Dahl oppfunnet OBJEKT-ORIENTERT PROGRAMMERING.

Jeg har vært politisk aktiv på en rekke områder og var leder av Nei til EU under EU-KAMPEN
fra 1988 fram til seieren i 1994

Disse sidene forteller litt om hva jeg arbeider med faglig og politisk nå og om hva jeg har gjort tidligere. Dessuten kan du lese om kursene mine i "Objekt-orientert tenkemåte og arbeidsform".Du finnerogså mitt CV og omtale av Turing-prisen og John von Neumann-medaljen som Ole-Johan og jeg nylig er tildelt.

In order to provide more convenient reading of longer documents they will often be organised as Acrobat (PDF) files opened in the browser (Netscape or Explorer). They will be edited to both avoid unnecessary scrolling and also keeping the contact with the navigational setting of my site.

For newcomers to the site, a few links:
1. How Object-Oriented Programming started
2. What is the BETA object-oriented programming language?
3. Advice to Young Researchers in Informatics (IRIS 1996)
1. The "No to EU"-Battle. Why Norway said No to EU membership.

Informasjon om hjemmesidene finner du på disse sidene:
Information about this site will be found on these pages:

1. Tasks, problems plans for the site.


A Search Form for the new, very fast FAST Search Engine is included for two reasons: 1. It is very efficient and useful to have close at mouse. 2 Why shouldn't we Norwegians stick together when our products are good? (FAST operates out of Oslo, Norway, )
